Thursday, February 23, 2012

It's getting warmer!

     I haven't written in a while and I have no real good reason for why not. I guess I've been lazy or busy or whatever excuse that fills this blank ______ I really don't know. But I am writing now because I feel alive! Finally after what feels like forever, it is getting warmer down here! Besides soccer, my favorite thing to do is fish and occasionally I'll choose fishing over soccer. I can't say that I am a great fisherman but I really love it. My brother, father, and I went into the swamp the other day fishing and had a great time cutting up with each other. We also didn't catch anything but that happens haha.
     Besides what I just wrote, not much has been going on. I've been helping coach the Gator boys here and they are off to a really good start. 2-0-1, which to be honest they should be 3-0-0 but you can't go back and change things like that. And I've been writing articles and taking pictures for the paper which has been loads of fun so far.
     I've been working out very seriously lately, I figured that if I don't start now then I never will and that can only lead me down a sad road. I don't know why I ever hesitate to work out because I actually love it, and once I start doing it I really enjoy it.
     I know I'm bouncing around on my topics but maybe I can tie them together a little bit here... I went to Haywood Baptist Church last Sunday, the preacher there is a really Godly man and he always has something new to share about the Bible. This last Sunday it was about when Jesus fed the 5,000 and how he took the little boys food and multiplied it. That little boy could have been selfish and just kept his lunch and hid or something but he submitted it to Jesus and look at what He did! The message was that we need to realize that once the Lord forgives us of our sins he forgives and forgets. He doesn't take those memories and keep bringing them back up to torment you, he completely throws them out. As humans we won't ever forget most things and especially sins, we will bring them back up in our heads to be excuses why we don't do something, or why we shouldn't even try, and loads of other stuff. What we are supposed to do is move on, forgive ourselves, and have a clear and ready mind for the Lord to use because we don't want to miss his call to action when it comes.
     That's about all I've got for right now, I hope that it makes sense? I often confuse my writings when I'm really going haha. God bless.

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