Friday, December 9, 2011

Why settle for average?

     I am trying to change myself in huge ways and one of the biggest things that I am facing is that for so long I was accepting average results on things that I was doing in my life. Too many times the thought went through my head this semester, "You know, doing just enough studying to pass is actually alright." Thinking back, that was a sad, sad way to be. I also was settling for average in my workouts. For instance I would only go to the gym three times in a week and instead of going ham like I used to, I would just do a little bit and kind of lazy my way on out after 45 mins. .. I also got average or actually less than average in my spiritual life. As sad as it is for me to admit it.. I used to try and read my Bible every night but I fell into a every other night routine or even every third or fourth night. The Lord finally got through to me one day when I was watching something about Tim Tebow. I started thinking about what an awesome guy Tim is and how I would like to be that way. I have always prayed that if I am not going to use soccer to honor the Lord then I don't want to do it anymore. Then I realized something, maybe the reason that I had not been performing at my normal "trying to do my best" way was because I was giving in too much to temptation. And I thought about Tim and how much temptation he must have every day because definitely if the devil could get anybody to fall right now he would probably choose him. This made me realize that the higher I climb and the more things I achieve and the more influence I have, the more temptation I am going to face as well. I can't let my guard down and I can't quit learning about God and trying to become closer to Him. Things have really been looking up for me and things are looking like they are going to continue to get so much better! Lord willing. .. I get so tired of seeing these guys who get on such a high platform and are honoring the Lord so much and then they get caught doing something that just tears their reputation apart and people really start to doubt the Lord and his goodness. One of my favorite quotes and I don't know who it's by goes something like this, "I want to be the type of man that when I wake up in the morning the devil says, oh crap not him again." ... I'm not saying that this is easy, and I am not saying that I can do it, but... Luke 1:37 says, "Nothing is impossible with God."

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